I'm the one who likes to know everything that I'm eating...yes organic and local are all very important and when the opportunity presents that is my option...but I'm talking more about how many calories, fiber, that sort of stuff...you may say "Controlling" but I say "Cutiepie"...eat on my cosmonauts.
+ + +
I love pears...its true...I do! I eat a pear down to the seeds! A ripe, juicy one right from the fridge is pretty much perfect...but not too pretty.
I like pretty things...its true...I do! So when I entertain I try to at least look like I gave a- Well, you know what I'm saying...
One thing that I don't do a lot of is desserts. I don't know why...I love dessert...just not too into making them...I should change that...(note to self. change that).
So, when I do make dessert, and it is Fall in the Americas and we have ripe, juicy pears...I like to pretty them up a bit when the company hits. So easy and so delicious and so...cheap (in Fall).
I make it so each person has a 1/2 a pear...I could totally eat, like 6 servings, but for here let's just keep it at a half.
Serves 6
3 large, ripe and juicy pears (any type really and honestly they don't ~have~ to be terribly ripe)
Cinnamon, Allspice and/or Nutmeg if you got it...if not, whatevs...
Mint leaves
About 3/4 c of Raspberry Puree*** (while Pears and Raspberries are super yummy together...they don't really show up at the same time without one of them coming from 4,000 miles away...so either use the puree you made 3 months ago or cheat with a jam or some shiz)
1/4 c of Mirin
Frozen Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt (usually the value is 1/2 a cup...so follow that for your info)
***For calculation purposes I will assume you have fresh (or frozen) Raspberry Puree that you made with a cup of Raspberries and 2T of raw sugar....otherwise, use your labels folks!
Ok, it will become SUPER redundant to keep telling you how optional everything is...but really, that's the beauty...things are optional...and if you don't have Mint...so be it...I don't really eat it anyways...
- Rock that oven at least 350, I go as high as 425...
- Cut each pear in half and scoop out the seeds. Use a small spoon to get just enough and spare as much fruit meat as possible. Put face down in a roasting pan (or even a sheet of aluminum foil if you don't have any fancy pots and pans).
- Cook until pretty tender...not pearsauce tender...but soft...
- While that is going on, mix up your Raspberry Puree goodness...which is just the puree, the Mirin and the Spice you have...you can slice up some Mint (not all of it), super, super thin and bruise it a bit before you toss it into the red lusciousness...but again...not important.
- I like to flip the pears over for the last 5 mins or so...crank the heat up really high and throw a thin layer of puree on them...let that glaze up a bit...why? Fawk if I know...I just like the gooey layer between sauce and fruit.
- Take 'em out...let 'em cool..but not too much...
- The puree is for drizzle and I like to heat it up in a sauce pan before I do that...get it nice and thin and easy to move...but also I hate dishes so I might just say screw it and throw it in the microwave.
- Ok, so now we are at hot jam and pliable pears...combine the two as you see fit and garnish with whatever leftover Mint you have.
- Scoop out a small round of fro-yo and go to Noshville!
The point here is that you do what you can...you have pears and strawberry jelly...like the kind that looks like Jell-O...use it! You have no idea what the heck Mirin is...(a sweet Japanese cooking wine)...use sugar...or sherry...because for some reason this dish really is elevated with a tad bit of spirit from some Spirits...don't have sherry...use wine...and sugar....you get the picture.
Don't have a functional oven but you have a microwave and a skillet...do that!
Point is you make something beautiful out of something ordinary and you do it for next to nothing.
Enjoy your meager rations piglets!
Remember, this is just for the Pears and Raspberry Puree....
1 point
Looks amazing, my friend! Can never have enough raspberry puree...